Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Just Can't Help Myself

My local stamp club, West Suburban Stamp Club, held its regular meeting last night.  As is our custom, we had an auction, and one of the lots consisted of a large number of covers from a company called Brooks Rupture Appliance Company.  This company made devices that one could wear to relieve the discomfort of ruptures, or hernias.  The company would ask each person who ordered a device to write a testimonial letter.  These covers contain these letters, which are quite interesting and funny at the same time.  Our club acquired a huge number of these covers in an auction some time ago.  Our auction chairperson broke them up into lots of about a hundred covers each, and they are in our auction periodically.  The other night I bid $2.00 for the lot and got it.  I sat through the rest of the auction reading some of the letters.  I feel like I'm snooping when I do this, but I just can't help myself.  One of my friends was sitting next to me, and she had not seen these before.  I handed her the stack, and the first one she read began with, "I once had a 1,200 pound cow sit on me for 15 minutes..."  Well that's all it took for both of us to burst out laughing (sorry to all my other fellow club members).  I can't wait to read the rest of them.  I just can't help myself.

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